Ercros, awarded for its job security

The Ercros factories in Tortosa, Cerdanyola and Sabiñánigo have received the 2021 Feique Safety award, granted by the Business Federation of the Spanish Chemical Industry (Feique), for not having had any accidents among its own personnel throughout 2021. In the case of the Tortosa factory, this is the third consecutive year that it has received this recognition.
Feique presents this award to those production centres in the chemical industry with more than 50 workers who obtain a zero general frequency rate for a year, that is, they do not have any accident with or without sick leave among their own personnel.
This good result in terms of safety is largely due to the involvement of the people who work at Ercros and the regular awareness campaigns that are carried out, as well as the multiple actions and activities that are carried out to improve the safety of both the people who work in the factories and that of their facilities every day. All Ercros centres have their occupational health and safety management system certified in accordance with the ISO 45001 standard.
The factories in Tortosa (Tarragona) and Cerdanyola (Barcelona) belong to the Ercros intermediate chemicals division, while the one in Sabiñánigo (Huesca) is part of the chlorine derivatives division.