Ercros awards the prizes in the X(p)rimenta 2022 school competition

Sebastian Espino at the X(p)rimenta awards ceremony
Ercros’ director of innovation and technology, Sebastián Espino, with the finalist students and teachers from CEIP Enric Grau Fontseré and Flix Secondary School.

Ercros took part in the awards ceremony for the students who won the 12th X(p)rimenta 2022 Audiovisual Science Communication Award, organised by the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI) and the Catalan Science Communication Association. The annual X(p)rimenta competition rewards the three best videos on science experiments for primary, secondary, high school and vocational training students in Catalonia.

At a ceremony held at the School of Engineering of Barcelona East (EEBE) of the Diagonal-Besòs Campus of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Ercros’ director of innovation and technology, Sebastián Espino, on behalf of the company, presented the winning schools in each of the categories with a gift voucher worth €500 to exchange for scientific school material.

Students from CEIP Enric Grau Fontseré Primary School and Flix Secondary School took part in the competition, of which Ercros is the main sponsor, and were finalists and received a diploma in recognition of their participation.