Ercros, Gold member of the Business and Climate Foundation


Ercros has joined, as a Gold member, the Business and Climate Foundation (FEC), a private institution, founded in 2008, which is a reference for mitigation and adaptation to climate change among companies. In September 2010, the foundation was named an Observer Member of the United Nations.

Ercros shares with the FEC its interest in environmental protection and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The company also adheres to other programs that contain environmental protection commitments, such as Responsible Care and the Global Compact.

Ercros is an industrial group with a century-old tradition that is diversified into three business segments: the chlorine derivatives division, a strategic business unit with chlorine as a common link; the intermediate chemistry division, focused on the chemistry of formaldehyde, and the pharmacy division, which is dedicated to the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients.