Ercros participates in the +45 Employment Fair in Tortosa

Ercros participates in the +45 Employment Fair in Tortosa
The mayor of Tortosa, Jordi Jordan, and the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Francesc Faiges, are received at the Ercros stand by Joan Carles Galiana

Ercros has participated in the first edition of the +45 Employment Fair promoted by the City Council and the Tortosa Chamber of Commerce. The event, which was held this Thursday at the Espai Moreira, has aimed to promote the labor insertion of people between 45 and 60 years old who are unemployed, and at the same time stimulate companies and entities to contribute to the insertion and labor orientation of this group.

Joan Carles Galiana, head of industrial relations at the Ercros factory in Tortosa, was in charge of attending the people who came to the Ercros stand to find out what are the most demanded job profiles in the industrial sector and what are the job options offered by the company.

Likewise, Jordi Jordan, mayor of Tortosa, and Francesc Faiges, president of the city's Chamber of Commerce, also visited the Ercros stand where they were received by Joan Carles Galiana.

The fair has had the participation of about 30 companies from the Terres de l'Ebre and has received the visit of more than 300 people of all profiles, not only over 45 years old. The Tortosa Chamber of Commerce has thanked Ercros for its presence at this job fair.

For more information about the Tortosa factory you can click here.