Ercros will invest 22M EUR in Sabiñánigo within the 3D Plan


Ercros plans to invest near 22 million euros in its factory in Sabiñánigo, within the framework of the 3D Plan. The 3D Plan is the strategic plan started up by Ercros, which pursues its transformation into a sustainable company and is based on three dimensions: Diversification, Digitalisation and Decarbonisation.

The plan contains 20 major projects, eight of which will be carried out in Sabiñánigo. The timeframe of the plan is the period 2021-2025, although the execution of several digitalisation and decarbonisation projects will go beyond this period and will extend until 2029.

For the period 2021- 2029, Ercros foresees a total investment of 92 million euros and the generation of an additional ebitda of 194 million euros.

The 22 million euros that Ercros plans to invest in Sabiñánigo, will be distributed as follows:

  • 55% to a large diversification project: the expansion of the chlorite plant;
  • 37% to three decarbonisation projects, which in total will reduce the factory's direct CO2 emissions by 20% (vs 2020); and
  • The remaining 8% to four digitalisation projects.

Carrying out the eight strategic actions (which promote the diversification in the activity, the increase in processes automation and the improve in the facilities environmental performance) consolidates the future of the Sabiñánigo factory.

In the last 14 years (2007-2020), Ercros has invested around 86 million euros in this factory in actions aimed at improving technology, energy efficiency in production processes and expanding production capacity.

The 3D Plan succeeds the Act Plan (2016-2020), for adaptation to technological change, which involved the modernisation of Ercros's production structure and the incorporation of important energy efficiency improvements.