The factories of Vila-seca receive a visit from the Generalitat
The General Directorate of Industry of the Generalitat de Catalunya has visited the factories of Vila-seca I and Vila-seca II

The industry manager of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Oriol Alcoba, and other senior officials of the Territorial Services of Business and Labour Department, and ACCIÓ in Tarragona, visited the two factories that Ercros has in Vila-seca. The Ercros delegation was led by the general business manager, Agustín Franco.
The purpose of the visit was to get to know the facilities of both factories and the projects that Ercros plans to undertake within the framework of the 3D Plan in these centres.
Before touring the facilities, the representatives of the Catalan administration received an explanation of the aforementioned projects that will consolidate the production capacity of these factories, incorporate new facilities aimed at decarbonization and digitalisation of the industrial activity of Ercros, and reduce the external impact of such activity in terms of industrial safety.