Francisco Gracia participates in the Chemistry Day

Francisco Gracia, head of the R&D department of the basic chemicals division of Ercros has participated in the discussion panel "Chemistry at the Spanish University: are we prepared for the challenges of the future?” Which was held yesterday at the University of Zaragoza on the occasion of the Chemistry Day 2021.
The event, organized by the Foro Química y Sociedad and the Sciences School of the University of Zaragoza, was held in person at the Aula Magna of the Auditorium of the University of Zaragoza and was streamed live on social media.
In his speech, Francisco Gracia stressed that "the important thing for graduates is that they end the university with the basic knowledge of chemistry well consolidated, then the companies will be in charge of training professionals." In addition, he added that the chemical industry offers quality employment, first through paid internship contracts and then by consolidating stable jobs.
The discussion panel was moderated by Carlos Negro, president of the Foro Química y Sociedad, and, along with Francisco Gracia, spoke Manuel Chicharro, president of the Spanish Conference of Deans of Chemistry; Irene Ara, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Zaragoza; Sara El Mansuri, vice president of the Sectorial Association of Chemistry Students; and Inés Sebastian, graduated in Chemistry.