Geolodía organizes a visit to the Ercros’ lands in the Salina Valley of Cardona

Last weekend, within the framework of the Geolodía activity, 108 people from all over Catalonia made a tour in the Ercros lands located in the Salina Valley of Cardona, to learn about this privileged area of Catalonia that has moved cultures since the Neolithic and that today generates great interest from experts.
Divided into four groups, the visitors followed an itinerary, designed and guided by the geologist Judit Pons and Alfons Fíguls, members from Cardona of the Institute of research towards culture; Jordi Vilà and Íngrid Soriguera, members of the geological outreach website, Geò; and Óscar Jané, from the GeocastAway podcast.
Along the route, visitors could see a diapyrus that emerged during the formation of the Pyrenees, due to the evaporation of an ancient sea more than 35 million years ago. At another stop, Alfons Fíguls explained how prehistory was in the area. The attendees valued very positively this experience in the Salina Valley of Cardona, unrepeatable and exclusive since the route passed through land restricted to the passage.
Geolodía is an activity coordinated by the Geological Society of Spain, during which geological tours are made through the whole Spanish geography, and which are free of charge and open to all audiences. The activity aims to raise awareness of the close relationship between geology and everyday life. The organizers thanked Ercros for the given easiness and hoped that, on future occasions, the experience can be repeated.