The mayoress of Aranjuez visits the expansion of the Aranjuez warehouse

La alcaldesa de Aranjuez visita la ampliación del almacén de la fábrica de Ercros en Aranjuez. De derecha a izquierda, F.J. Cifre, M. Gómez, J. González, P.J.González, A. Franco, Mª J. Martínez, Mª C. Cruzado, M. Picazo y D. López.
From right to left, F.J. Cifre, M. Gómez, J. González, P.J.González, A. Franco, Mª J. Martínez, Mª C. Cruzado, M. Picazo and D. López.

The Ercros factory in Aranjuez has received a visit today from the mayoress of this town, María José Martínez, to show her the expansion of the finished products warehouse of this factory, the amount of which has exceeded 1 million euros and whose capacity is about 150 tons.

Maria del Carmen Cruzado, director of the Ercros pharmacy division, explained that Ercros is committed to Aranjuez and the pharmacy business, and that new projects to expand the activity are under study.

For her part, the mayoress of Aranjuez thanked Ercros for continuing to invest in this municipality and generating employment for more than 250 people. "It is a very technologically advanced company to guarantee 100% product quality, well above the levels that are even legally required, so we must congratulate them on this delicacy," she said.

The mayoress was accompanied by the first deputy mayor for urban planning, Míriam Picazo, and the councilors for economic development, Miguel Gómez Herrero; environment, José González Granados; and sports and education, Diego López.

On behalf of Ercros, in addition to the director of the division, Agustín Franco, general director of business; Pedro José González, head of operations; Francisco José Cifre, head of maintenance and engineering; José Ramón Díaz, head of prevention and environment, and Juan Ignacio Ledesma, head of human resources and institutional relations.