Monzón celebrates an open day with great success


The Ercros factory in Monzón held a successful open day for family and friends of the workers at the centre. 80 people attended, organized into five groups that, accompanied by in-house technicians, visited the factory facilities.

The technicians explained to the visitors which are the products that Ercros manufactures in Monzón and showed them the PVC compound plants and the R&D department. In the laboratory, they were able to observe the physical and analytical tests that the products undergo before reaching customers.

The participants showed great interest in the explanations and did not hesitate to ask about the operation of the facilities and the applications of the products that are manufactured in the factory.

The organizers make a very positive assessment of the open day of the Ercros factory in Monzón, an activity that fulfilled the objective of sharing a day with friends in the place where the staff spends a large part of their day.