We promote sustainable panels for construction


Enric Montserrat, manager of the intermediate chemicals division, and Óscar Armenta, head of resins technology and technical assistance, both from Ercros, participated in the annual meeting of the European Federation of Panels (EFP), held in Santiago de Compostela.

The meeting focused on the Wood4bauhaus initiative, led by the EPF, in the framework of the New European Bauhaus and the European Green Deal, promoted by the European Commission. The aim of this initiative is to promote the manufacture of sustainable panels and increase their consumption in the construction industry.

Ercros is in a favourable position in this field thanks to the presence in its portfolio of sustainable resins, ErcrosGreen+, and technical resins, ErcrosTech. These resins have been developed in-house and are specially designed for use in panels for wood construction, a sector that is experiencing strong growth in Europe.

Ercros' participation in the assembly demonstrates its commitment to sustainability and the promotion of innovative solutions in the construction industry.