Customised production

We manufacture products to customer demand

Prestige and experience in large-scale fermentation

In addition to its own production lines, Ercros has modern fermentation facilities with the capacity to produce the APIs and intermediates required by our customers, known as contract manufacturing.

The company has been involved in large-scale fermentation and API synthesis since the 1950s. The microorganisms used include actinomycetes, fungal filaments, yeasts and bacteria.

Our facilities are accredited to the highest international production, sustainability, safety and distribution standards.

Fermentation plant in Aranjuez
Fermentation towers
Exterior of the synthesis plant at the Aranjuez factory.
Exterior of the multi-purpose synthesis plant
Detail of a person working in the sterile plant of the Aranjuez factory.
Person equipped to work in the sterile products plant

Production facilities and plant capacities

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Request for information

If you would like more information about this product or want to contact our technicians, please write a message.

All the fields are mandatory.
Óscar Méndez López
Oscar Méndez López
Commercial Director


Ercros certifies the quality, safety and environmental respect of the manufacture of this product, and is adhered to voluntary agreements that endorse its commitment to CSR and customer service.


Accreditation to sell medicines in the US and the world's most demanding markets.


The standard of good manufacturing practice for medicinal products.


The standard of good practice in the distribution of medicines.

ISO 9001

The quality standard of our production and sales.

ISO 14001

The environmental management standard of our activity.


Accreditation of compliance with safety measures and good practices in the supply of goods.