Fosfomicina cálcica


The antibiotic discovered thanks to an Ercros employee


Ercros is the market leader in fosfomycin

Ercros is the leading manufacturer of fosfomycin in Spain, the second in Europe and the third in the world.

Fosfomycin is an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) that belongs to the group of phosphonates with bacteriostatic action. Its activity is broad-spectrum, although its effect is most pronounced against gram-positive germs and aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.

Although it could be obtained by fermentation, due to its low molecular weight, it is manufactured by chemical synthesis processes.

Ercros manufactures the following fosfomycin salts:

  • Fosfomycin calcium
  • Fosfomycin sodium
  • Fosfomycin trometamol
Synthesis plant at Aranjuez factory
Multi-purpose synthesis plant at the Aranjuez factory
La resistencia de muchas bacterias a los antibióticos está ampliando el uso de la fosfomicina.

What is it used for?

Fosfomycin is an antibiotic mainly used in the treatment of acute urinary tract infections.

It is also used in dermatological and gastrointestinal tract diseases, as well as in the treatment of hospital-acquired infections. 

The advancement of bacterial resistance to many antibiotics worldwide has renewed interest in the expansion of new applications of fosfomycin.

Fosfomycin calcium sheet (in Spanish)

Fosfomycin calcium treats mild UTIs

Fosfomycin calcium is used for the treatment of mild urinary tract infections and can be administered as an oral suspension or tablets.

Ercros has been marketing fosfomycin calcium since 1969.

Fosfomycin calcium can be administered as an oral suspension or tablets.
Fosfomycin calcium can be administered as an oral suspension or tablets.
Fosfomycin sodium sheet (in Spanish)

Fosfomycin sodium, for hospital use

Because it is virtually non-toxic and broad-spectrum, it is specifically used to fight hospital-acquired infections and severe infections caused by sensitive microorganisms. Its low molecular weight allows it to pass through the meninges, making it useful in the treatment of meningitis.

It is administered by injection. Ercros has facilities to manufacture sterile fosfomycin sodium, which is available in the variety fosfomycin sodium IV, a pharmaceutical mixture of fosfomycin sodium plus an intravenous physiological pH regulator.

Fosfomycin sodium is administered as an injection
Fosfomycin trometamol sheet (in Spanish)

Fosfomycin trometamol, the single-dose antibiotic

Fosfomycin trometamol is the latest fosfomycin salt to be added to the Ercros portfolio.

It is mainly used to fight UTIs and, given its extended half-life (it is able to maintain an effective urinary concentration for three days), it can be administered in one or two single doses, which favours patient compliance with the prescription and greater efficacy of the product.

It is available in therapeutic sachet form.

Fosfomycin trometamol is available as granules that dissolve in water.
Fosfomycin trometamol is available as granules that dissolve in water.

Did you know that...

Fosfomycin was discovered by Cepa (the predecessor of Ercros) and the American company MSD in 1969 when analysing soil collected by a Cepa employee in Alicante.

Request for information

If you would like more information about this product or want to contact our technicians, please write a message.

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Óscar Méndez López
Oscar Méndez López
Commercial Director


Ercros certifies the quality, safety and environmental respect of the manufacture of this product, and is adhered to voluntary agreements that endorse its commitment to CSR and customer service.


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The standard of good manufacturing practice for medicinal products.


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ISO 9001

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ISO 14001

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