To be charged to the financial year 2023

The big figures on dividend payments

0.096 €

Dividend per share




Dividend vs total shareholder remuneration

8.8 M€


Ercros allocates EUR 52 million to dividend payment

The shareholders' meeting, which was held on 28-06-2024, approved the payment of a dividend of EUR 9.6 cents per share, effective on 10-07-2024. The approved dividend represents a disbursement for the company of EUR 8.78 million, equivalent to 32.7% of the profit obtained by the Company in 2023.

The current shareholder remuneration policy provides for the distribution of a dividend of at least 22% of 2023 profits; and 24% of the 2024 profit.

Evolution of dividend payment

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In 2020, due to the negative impact of covid-19 on Ercros' business, one of the conditions set out in the shareholder remuneration policy was not met, which is why it was not possible to distribute a dividend or buy back treasury shares to be amortised against the profit for the year.

The profitability of investing in Ercros

Find out how dividend payments are evolving and calculate the return on your investment.