We have standards of conduct and voluntary agreements that reinforce our commitment to ethics and social responsibility
New employees have signed the code of ethics
Internal audits
Degree of compliance with the code of good governance
Payments supported with contract
The code of ethics defines the good practices we must comply with at Ercros
Ercros aspires to ensure that its conduct and that of the people who work in the company not only complies with regulations, but also with ESG principles. The code of ethical conduct contains the rules to which directors, management, staff and external personnel working at our facilities are subjected to. We also require our suppliers to comply with principles and standards of ethical conduct.
Linked to the code of ethics, we have a procedure, the ethics channel, which sets out the mechanism by which complaints can be made about alleged breaches of the rules. The compliance committee, which reports to the audit committee, is responsible for handling complaints and ensuring compliance with the rules of conduct.

The channel for filing complaints
The whistleblower channel is the tool available at Ercros for the submission of reports on alleged breaches, whether well-founded and significant, of the rules included in the Code of Ethics that any person notices within the company, whether they are exercised by other persons for themselves or for the company.
The audit committee, and by delegation the compliance committee, is responsible for handling any reports of possible breaches of the code of ethics through the whistleblower channel. It is also responsible for ensuring that persons accessing the whistleblower channel in good faith are not subject to retaliation or threats, and for safeguarding the confidentiality of the cases it handles.
Additional information
You can consult Ercros' internal regulations on ethical conduct.