Dialogue and transparency

Communication is essential to build trust between Ercros and its stakeholders

Financial year 2023

Our communications activity

We keep a fluid and specific communication with our stakeholders.


Media releases


Replies to shareholder requests


Dialogue meetings with staff


Communications to the staff

A company that talks and dialogues

In the interests of transparency, Ercros ensures that the information it provides is truthful, clear and complete. Each year, it publishes reports on its management in various specific fields. In turn, it has established communication channels to ascertain the opinion of its stakeholders regarding its activity.

The company plays an active and committed role in the development of the sectors in which it operates and in the populations in which factories are located, and supports non-governmental organisations and cultural and social institutions. 

Opening our factories doors, listening to our employees, knowing the level of customer satisfaction, responding promptly to shareholders and the media are some of the tools we use to promote dialogue and transparency.

Listen poster of the Dialogue Improvement Plan
DIP campaign. Dialogue poster.
Exchange poster of the Dialogue Improvement Plan