Intermediate chemicals division
A business focused on formaldehyde and its derivatives
World-renowned quality, know-how and self-developed technology
The activity of the intermediate chemicals division is developed around formaldehyde, which is the base from which –in combination with urea, acetaldehyde, melamine and phenol– solid derivatives (paraformaldehyde, polyols and moulding powders) and liquids (resins) are manufactured.
Ercros' differentiation in this business lies in the recognition of the quality of its products, its capacity for innovation, its knowledge of the market and the know-how applied to production.

Product and process innovation
The intermediate chemicals division's R&D centre is located in Tortosa and is focused on improving the environmental and technological performance of the products in its portfolio, making production processes more efficient and developing new products.
Its laboratory has produced the "green" resins and pentaerythritol ErcrosGreen+, which have a similar level of emissions to natural wood; ErcrosTech polymers, specially designed for applications with high technical requirements; and Carbaicar HD, a new quality of moulding powders that provides significant improvements in the manufacture of complex parts.
All the production processes of this division use the company's own technology, developed by the division's R&D department.
Within the framework of the 3D Plan, the production processes of this business are being adapted to the objectives of diversification, decarbonisation and digitalisation.
Actions undertaken and underway
Share of Ercros sales
Annual production
Sales to the chemical sector
Where and to whom we sell our products?
Voluntary agreements
Ercros subscribes to agreements and programmes involving the application of good practices and commitments that go beyond the legal limits, which specifically concern this division.
Related associations
The intermediate chemicals division builds alliances with business organisations related to its activity.



Further information
Check the following links to learn more about this division.